23 September 2010

Great Quotes from this weeks Reading

Here are some pretty wonderful quotes from my readings. Not sure what to think of them yet, but they jumped off the page at me.

"There is no device whatever to be incented for securing hapiness without industry, economy, and virtue"

"What folly it is to think that vice and passion are limited by classes, that liberty consists only in taking power away from nobles and priests and giving it to artisans and peasants and that these latter will never abuse it!"

Sumner, "Forgotten Man"

This guy is a real proto-Rand. Has just as much passion, and the ideals are similar. Maybe doesn't romanticize as much as she. There is something here that resonates deep within me... A conservative take on the foundations of Classical Liberalism... A Libertarian almost. It is consistent though, with the traditional under-valuing of the "shiftless", and reflects a lack of understanding about the untapped capabilities of the destitute, who may be a victim of social systems instead of the villiam of economics. A market of free contract is all well and good, in theory, but when your thesis rests on "equally applied liberty" in a culture of racism, sexism, generalization and assumption, rational contracts may not be truly based on skill and ethic. There is something to be said about this theory, but perhaps, like all theories, it is faulty when applied.

22 September 2010

Back Up and Running

Thanks for staying with us.

The summer here was hectic, no time at all. What a shame.

But, without any sort of explanation, we are back! And back to writing again. (Its about time)

Since the last post, I have jumped ship from the enlisted band wagon. Can't say I'll miss it that much, but I will definitely miss the camaraderie that accompanies the equality of rank. I shall look back fondly of my time here, I think. The commission is still a couple years in coming yet, and until then I must endure the rank of Cadet, a proverbial no-man's land. But such is life, and the rewards for this investment of time and energy will pay off in time.

I have started my graduate program in History, and so far enjoy it immensely. It is busy, but with no job to worry about (what am I talking about? The army is just about a full time job now) it should become easier as I get accustomed to the pace. I struggle still to keep up with my homework, partially because it is so interesting. I find my reading often prompts me to spend 15 or so minutes pursuing intellectual tangents... Some of the more interesting ones will probably end up here.

That is all for tonight. A good start, I think to myself as I review the post... Or am I just easily appeased?