11 December 2010


... really... i'm at a loss for words... these 'people' deserve to lose their 1st amendment rights. they have obviously proven themselves unworthy of them.

06 December 2010

Baptized in the Water(slide) of Christ

Rethinking the civil war, and thinking of telling Kentucky to GTFO... btw didn't jesus throw a shit fit when people were selling things outside the temple? i wonder what he would have said about this. maybe "you can't sell goats in god's name, but water slides are the shit so i'll allow it" ?


23 November 2010



Get ready for some serious stream of thought...

Yep. I believe you Republicans. Obama is bad for business. Real bad. The fucking worst. He HATES business. He is a socialisthitlersecretkenyanmuslim and all those scary dark skinned things that threaten your southern bell daughter and democracy and NASCAR. Wait, you know what. He isn't. The left isn't out to steal your well earned money, because you didn't well earn it, and they understand that people need health care. Business under a Democratic president has turned the worst baking system collapses into profit in a blink of an eye. The avarice of your most ardent supporters, the banking industry, has disgusted the American population. This group's lack of moral understanding has been a shame to America for decades, they made money in the banking collapse, and yet asked to be saved, which of course you supported. You wage war on the middle and lower class through the dismemberment of social programs in the name of 'defense' and 'business', because the burden that society demands on them is just too much for them to bear. Even though 'society' is mothers and children, education and health care. When these people stand up for themselves you call them bad for business. You call them anti-American. I'm not buying that argument anymore. It is a lie. You know it, I know it. Let's be honest. You use this rhetoric to protect white, established citizens in this country, because, as you know, they are a well organized, motivated, and funded constituency. Yet this is a shrinking portion of the population. You widen the gap between rich and poor. You call American citizens un-American. You call socially conscious people "anti-business". You believe in the market because you have control over the marketplace. You refuse act as a Christian, in a country that you continually assert is founded on Christian values. Yes, I agree the Democrats are bad. They wrongfully believe that government programs are sometimes the best solution to some problems. But the way you go about doing battle is insanity. You give conservatism a bad name. A real bad name. One that I doubt I can associate with.

18 November 2010

Kristol Ball

The deeper one explores into the self, without any transcendental frame of reference, the clearer it becomes that nothing it there. If nothingness is the ultimate reality, those somethings called books, or poems, or paintings or music are mere evasions of truth rather than expressions of it.
Irving Kristol

03 November 2010

The Wrong Ron

I couldn't agree more with the whole of this article...

Russ Feingold was EXACTLY what the founding fathers had in mind when they gave the vote to the American People. And, surprisingly, just as they foresaw, we are not nearly worthy enough to determine what a good elector looks like. A man of principle, a man who stood up for American Liberty, a man who understood the grand responsibility of office. Washington D.C. is less one honest man, and is much poorer for it.

01 November 2010

The State

I don't see much difference in a Police State and a Corporate State. I think they are very much linked in motives and agenda. I am coming to believe that the American State is becoming increasingly a Corporate State. Some evidence below:

The difference between a State run by corporation and one run by far left or far right Political factions is the intent, not the operation. In a police state, a small group of leaders impose an agenda through law, enforced with deadly intention, essentially using force to ensure compliance. By doing this, it ensures a streamlined decision and policy making process that leads the country to ends that do not entirely reflect public wishes or desires. The corporate state has the same outcomes via different motivations and methods. Instead of an outright political revolution, the corporate state wields its interest through the legislative process, securing its agenda through legitimate means. This is best seen in the management of Italian city states in the Renaissance, where powerful banking families (the analogues of powerful corporate interests in the day) corrupted the supposed "republican" rule of law to pass policy favoring the family. Look at the above clip in that light. Read up on the Renaissance political scene. See if you can't make any connections for yourself.

You might be saying: Jason, thats ridiculous. There have always been powerful corporate lobbies in this country and there always will be. In fact, lobbying is how (some of) the founding fathers saw this country being ran. I would agree, however there is something very different in the past that makes today's situation perilous. First of all, this "ALEC" group (along with secret funding for campaign ads, *cough* excuse me, educational ads) is completely off the books, off the public record. Forever. They will never be held accountable for what they are doing because no one is writing it down. That means, even if what they are whispering in senator's ears is harmless, you WILL NEVER KNOW ABOUT IT. Period. Because no one is required to make any accounting of it, the secret workings of our "democracy" will remain secrets.

Secondly, there no longer exists a natural "aristocratic" spirit in the Senate because they are more responsible to the public at large. The increasing subjugation of Senators to the whims of public opinion means that they are also more susceptible to financing, which comes in secret from unknown origins. What was once a purposefully aloof and elite legislative body is now a smaller house of the commons with longer terms, increasing the stakes and therefore potentiality for shady dealings. Who is more likely to sell ones soul for campaign funding? An aristocrat who comes from a financially secure position interested in the long term viability of stability in this country? Or a "self made man" who, like a crack addict, will do anything for a buck in order to can spend it on the next commercial that will expose his opponent as a flip-flopping nanny-wagon whose welfare queen wife drives 3 Cadillacs at a time to pick up her food stamps?

Why is the corporate state bad? They make money, and they must be good at it. In this election cycle, it seems as though thats all that matters, get America back on top so that we can continue to do as we do. It is bad because of one thing: the profit motive. Now, I am no communist. Like any god-fearing human being, I know the profit motive is the source of America's power in the world, and that the streamline effect it has on companies gives a competitive edge in the work place so that work can continue in the future. Without this motive we are lost. Only one problem. We have private prisons. What does the profit motive do to them? Well, they can either increase efficiency by cutting something in the budget, like training guards or feeding prisoners, which would be bad enough. OR they can increase their market base. When you have a company that directly profits from the number of inmates, or customers, what kind of whispers do you think they put into the ears of politicians? "Lock up the whole country" may be a bit overboard, but "lock up those brown guys no one likes" may not be far off. What if we tied this motive to police officers, whose profit motive told them to "clean up the streets!"? How bout the Army, whose motive would be to "conquer, kill, and invade"?

Thats the magic of the profit motive at work. See, when companies wish to really strike it big, they know who to go to: the government. In the government, they have a steady and sizable market, namely, everyone. And they will continue to go to the well until it has gone dry.

The answer to this question is money. I disagree with the supreme court here. Money is not speech, it is a speech amplifier. When someone has more of it, they do not become better able to articulate or convince. They do not become a better debater, nor do they develop a better platform of policies. They merely become louder. Our situation is now merely a shouting match where the first sound bite to reach the ear will become an Ohrwurm. And like the pounding from the basement of a German techno Haus, the waitress in the cafe upstairs will hum the tune for the next week, all the while wishing a bus, or bear, or bullet would end her misery. The solution to this is to remove money from the system. You may gasp, and once again reach for the thesaurus to search for slang words to use instead of "Commie!", but hold on tight, here we go:

Use the incredibly stable 2 party system in this country. Or even add a third. Or fourth! Perhaps stratify them into tiers, where the top two receive the most, and the bottom must have an awful good message. Require them to gather signatures in order to be on the ballot, top four get on, top two get 4/6 the funding. Then give them pubic funds. YES, public funds. And outlaw ANY other money in the game. Increase the membership of the legislative ethics committees, and increase the penalties. Remove once and for all the profit motive from the system. Make it so that the Senators and Legislators receive a modest pension for the rest of their lives, but become incredibly strict on time spent with lobbyists. Remove money from the scenario and cease the shouting match. Make the contest about ideas.

The option is a velvet revolution of money for a small group of elites, favorites of the government or a violent revolution of idealists. Either way the effects will eventually be similar, and the ruling class similar. I prefer my classical liberal America, where everyone is protected equally, a free market reigns in the country to provide the best products to those who work hard, and a government that knows that it is here to govern over those sectors that do not benefit from the profit motive; prison, police, war, crime, and maybe health. The rest of its duty is to ensure companies obey the law along with people, and that all are held accountable to his/own/its/inc.'s own actions. Let us not slide so easily into chains, checking facebook while our government sells our soul. We fight for our freedoms every day. Liberty forever.

Its really too bad that this won't happen. Here's to you, internet.

20 October 2010

07 October 2010

Superfluous Jason

Nihilism has its ups. All my urgings, it seems, are ineffectual. Why is it that people don't reason? Are so unchangeable? I feel that it isn't due to any lack of persuasive ability... or lack of logical thought process. It has really been getting to me recently... No matter how much I want change, change is a fickle bitch, hard to nail down. Quotes on this to follow, but sometimes it sure seems like I am a man not meant for this time. This leaves me struggling with how to cope. If only I could just turn off the brain... If only. Talking to the vast, echoing expanses of the internet, it seems, is my only recourse for now. How depressing.

29 September 2010

Quotes of the Day

Some wonderful quotes from the day's reading. These are in no particular order, and with no particular theme, but did in their own right inspire me.

George Santayana, The Irony Of Liberalism:

"But freeing the people from what? From the consequences of freedom."

"No one in office can be a true statesmen, because a true statesman is consistent, and public opinion will never long support consistent course."

Santayana, A Brief History of My Opinions:

"All is a tale told, if not by an idiot, at least a dreamer; but it is far from signifying nothing. Sensations are rapid dreams: perceptions are dreams sustained and developed at will; sciences are dreams abstracted, controlled, measured, and rendered scrupulously proportional to their occasions. Knowledge accordingly always remains a part of imagination in terms and in its seat; yet by virtue of its origin and intent it becomes a memorial and a guide to the fortunes of man in nature"

(How wonderfully Nietzsche)

Ralph Adams Cram, Why We do not Behave as Human Beings.

"....there never has been a time when out of the darkness did not flame into light bright figures of men and women who in character and capacity were a glory to the human race."

There was a theme of Sophrosyne today while reading, which I enjoyed immensely. It has served as a call to memory. The term rises, a spectre of former self, to confront my current life and ask: have you been living well? The answer, I'm sad to say, is almost. I feel quite satisfied with the majority of my actions. I hold myself to no one's standard but my own, I strive to better myself each day, and strive to love others as myself and learn about the teachings of Christ and Buddha. However, one glaring failure persists, always my failing. Luxury, always luxury. I have fallen into the ease, the seductive nature of the society in which we live, the nearly silent whispers of temptation to go against my inner voice, the blaring racket of consumerist enticement. God preserve me, help me to resist, always resist, the temptation that seems so against the nature of my soul yet comes so easily to practice.

Quite a paragraph there... so much philosophizing, so little actually accomplished. How easily words come to tongue, yet action always lags behind. Such a sad existence. So much power, motive force, yet it so rarely translates to the world. It is a shame.

27 September 2010

American Empire

A thought from last night, while watching 60 minutes...

In other wars, an Army has merely to destroy the will to fight from the enemy, usually through destruction of their combat arms. In doing so, we dictate the terms of surrender. Terms are reached because the physical strength of the victor outweighs that of the vanquished. The consequence of failure to meet the terms of the surrender is... what? Usually the vanquished have experienced widespread destruction of infrastructure, resources, and manpower. So what is it then, the threat of force behind the action? The answer is total annihilation. If war is the use of force to compel state action, then the ultimate penalty of non-compliance is total destruction; the endgame is death.

We pride ourselves in this country on a sense of impartiality when it comes to religion. The constitution forbids the establishment of religion, and a growing number of Americans no longer consider themselves religious. Why then do I see a religious motive in the sparing of the Afghani people? Because that is indeed what our war is, a suspension of the final threat. It is why the Afghan/Pakistani Pushtuns still have the will to fight. They have no fear of the final outcome of war, because we as a country no longer consider the threat behind war to be real. They know that we will eventually tire of this conflict and retreat without even considering this option.

The American Empire is ruled by love. Love towards our fellow man. This is the Genius of Osama Bin Laden, a visionary of what it takes to defeat the unassailable Empire. Our Combat Arms can take on any enemy and defeat them with ease. Our weakness is our moral. bin Laden has recognized that the country has suspended the worst punishment, and that is takes much more energy to build than it does to kill. To me, this represents a triumph of Jesus Christ in American culture. When Hume outlined the Natural History of Religion, I think he was visionary about the future. We are moving towards the Post Religious world. Perhaps this will mean the end of American Empire

23 September 2010

Great Quotes from this weeks Reading

Here are some pretty wonderful quotes from my readings. Not sure what to think of them yet, but they jumped off the page at me.

"There is no device whatever to be incented for securing hapiness without industry, economy, and virtue"

"What folly it is to think that vice and passion are limited by classes, that liberty consists only in taking power away from nobles and priests and giving it to artisans and peasants and that these latter will never abuse it!"

Sumner, "Forgotten Man"

This guy is a real proto-Rand. Has just as much passion, and the ideals are similar. Maybe doesn't romanticize as much as she. There is something here that resonates deep within me... A conservative take on the foundations of Classical Liberalism... A Libertarian almost. It is consistent though, with the traditional under-valuing of the "shiftless", and reflects a lack of understanding about the untapped capabilities of the destitute, who may be a victim of social systems instead of the villiam of economics. A market of free contract is all well and good, in theory, but when your thesis rests on "equally applied liberty" in a culture of racism, sexism, generalization and assumption, rational contracts may not be truly based on skill and ethic. There is something to be said about this theory, but perhaps, like all theories, it is faulty when applied.

22 September 2010

Back Up and Running

Thanks for staying with us.

The summer here was hectic, no time at all. What a shame.

But, without any sort of explanation, we are back! And back to writing again. (Its about time)

Since the last post, I have jumped ship from the enlisted band wagon. Can't say I'll miss it that much, but I will definitely miss the camaraderie that accompanies the equality of rank. I shall look back fondly of my time here, I think. The commission is still a couple years in coming yet, and until then I must endure the rank of Cadet, a proverbial no-man's land. But such is life, and the rewards for this investment of time and energy will pay off in time.

I have started my graduate program in History, and so far enjoy it immensely. It is busy, but with no job to worry about (what am I talking about? The army is just about a full time job now) it should become easier as I get accustomed to the pace. I struggle still to keep up with my homework, partially because it is so interesting. I find my reading often prompts me to spend 15 or so minutes pursuing intellectual tangents... Some of the more interesting ones will probably end up here.

That is all for tonight. A good start, I think to myself as I review the post... Or am I just easily appeased?

05 April 2010

Back in Black (and Gold)

Well, dear vast, empty space known as the Interweb, I have returned. Now schooled in the art of war. I can shoot a gun, chuck a grenade, mis-fire an A-4 anti-tank rocket, and drive army trucks of all sorts. I am physically and mentally tough, or so they tell me, and ready to complete any mission. And now... I have no governmentally assigned mission (thank God). This allows me to once again troll the internet, go to school, date a girl, see my family, and generally be a real person. Its exciting.

While many thoughts have been thunk in the past half year, trying to catch you up, dear reader, would be an exercise in futility, so I will just start anew. I recently gained employment, real people's work type stuff, painting. Actually should be pretty fun. I'm excited to get back to work.

Stay tuned to read more of my political musings, religious musings, and general bullshit. Its great to be home and out of the army (for the time being).